
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Blog Reader who Received their Calling and Election

The following is from a faithful reader of this blog.  I have known this person for a long time and can vouch for their spirituality.  Others who know this person would also not be surprised to hear this person had received the gift mentioned below, if they knew it.

It has been my observation that this person takes quite literally the Sacrament promise that they will "always have his (the Lord's) spirit to be with us" and is constantly seeking ways to receive and maintain the constant companionship of the spirit in their life.

And they are correct about one important fact: They do not have a high-ranking calling in the church, for that never has been and never will be a prerequisite to the blessing described below...

Dear Perfect Day subscribers,

I would like to bear my testimony to you of a doctrine that I hold sacred and dear to my heart.  One that has changed my life immeasurably.  One that is so beautiful, I do not have the words to describe it. 

I apologize for sending this to you anonymously, but as you will see, there is a reason for this.

On Sunday, March 4, 2012, I was blessed in a way that I had scarcely imagined and still do not fully understand.  On that day, I received an undeniable witness that my calling and election has been made sure.  I can't describe to you what happened or what I saw and heard; it is a sacred event.  The closest thing I could find in writing is how Elder Bruce R. McConkie described it when he said:
"To have one's calling and election made sure is to be sealed up unto eternal life; it is to have the unconditional guarantee of exaltation in the highest heaven of the celestial world; it is to receive the assurance of godhood; it is, in effect, to have the day of judgment advanced, so that an inheritance of all the glory and honor of the Father's kingdom is assured prior to the day when the faithful actually enter into the divine presence to sit with Christ in his throne, even as he is 'set down' with his 'Father in his throne' (Rev 3:21.)" (Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, Bookcraft, 1973, 3:330–31).
The reason I am telling you about my experience is so you will know that it is possible for it to happen to you too. 

It is my understanding that there are some who believe that this is a blessing that is not granted to mortals at this time, or if it is, it is more than likely given to a General Authority or someone else in high standing in the church.  These conclusions are false.  God is no respecter of persons. 

Joseph Smith said:
"This principle ought (in its proper place) to be taught, for God hath not revealed anything to Joseph, but what he will make known unto the Twelve, and even the least saint may know all things as fast as he is able to bear them, for the day must come when no man need say to his neighbor, know ye the Lord; for all shall know him (who remain) from the least to the greatest. How is this to be done? It is to be done by this sealing power, and the other Comforter spoken of, which will be manifest by revelation." (Teachings, 149.)
This really rings true to me because I see myself as just that: one of the least of the saints.  The scriptures are true.  The promises contained in them can and do happen.

You who are reading this: I don't know you or what path the Lord has you on to receive this blessing.  But I can testify to you that He does grant, to even the least saints, the greatest blessings that God can give.

I testify that if I can receive this blessing, then you most certainly can as well.  It is my hope and prayer that you will receive it too in the due time of the Lord. 


A Friend


  1. Was this an event inside or outside the temple? Was there an ordinance associated with your experience (if you are permitted to say)
    Thank you for your message.

  2. Donald,

    The person says this happened outside the temple, and no ordinance (that they are aware of) took place.


    The Perfect Day

  3. Forgive me for my blonde moment here, but are you saying that you received some kind of witness that you're "in" for the Celestial Kingdom when you die? I didn't quite understand what happened. If you did, that is super awesome and something I wonder about myself on a daily basis. How lucky you are to know that! For now I am just choosing to believe Christ when he says he's filling in for where I fall short and smack down all my doubts when they come creeping in.

    Thank you for sharing this. It gives me hope that maybe I can have for sure, like set-in-stone sureness for myself. God bless!

  4. Hmmm, while I am sure this person is doing their best to live the commandments and do what is necessary to enter the Celestial Kingdom, I have always understood that to have one's Calling and Election actually made sure for real, they must participate in the physical ordinance either in body or through a proxy if they are dead - just like baptism and sealing, etc. I am having a hard time reconciling this person's personal experience with the requirement of a physical ordinance performed through Priesthood authority and recorded in the records of the Church. Some might say that the ordinance was performed by resurrected angels, but no ordinances are done by resurrected angels unless the ordinance cannot be done by anyone with authority on the Earth. So that would not apply today. I am quite sure that this ordinance is being done in temples today but only by members of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve. If it is done any other way, it is not of God. If it is not done at all in a physical manner, it was not done.

  5. Anonymous,

    I appreciate your thoughts, for they have generated some discussion, study and prayer -- all good things.

    Moses Chapter 3 contains a very interesting doctrine which could encompass many blog posts. In verse 5, we read:

    "...For I, the Lord God, created all things, of which I have spoken, spiritually, before they were naturally upon the face of the earth."

    Here, we read that there are two creations: spiritual and physical. They are separate, distinct phases separated by a span of time.

    It is clear that what happened to "Friend" (as I call this person -- and by the way, it's NOT me) was a spiritual event in that no ordinance took place. Their experience parallels something the Prophet Joseph said:

    “After a person has faith in Christ, repents of his sins, and is baptized for the remission of his sins and receives the Holy Ghost, (by the laying on of hands), which is the first Comforter, then let him continue to humble himself before God, hungering and thirsting after righteousness, and living by every word of God, and the Lord will soon say unto him, Son, thou shalt be exalted. When the Lord has thoroughly proved him, and finds that the man is determined to serve Him at all hazards, then the man will find his calling and his election made sure.” (Teachings, p. 150.)

    This quote makes no mention (that I can see) of needing an ordinance in order to have one's calling and election made sure. In fact, it explicitly states that it will be the Lord -- not a mortal -- who will tell a person "thou shalt be exalted." Or, "they receive the more sure word of prophecy, which means that the Lord seals their exaltation upon them while they are yet in this life." (Bruce R. McConkie, "Mormon Doctrine." 2nd ed. Salt Lake City, UT: Bookcraft, p. 109–10).

    However, while personal revelation is certainly part of it, it is not the whole. Even those who have received their calling and election by personal revelation must at some time receive a [physical] ordinance by one with proper earthly and heavenly authority. Only when he/she has received an actual ordinance (known as the Second Anointing) will those blessings be realized to their fulness.

    For example: Joseph Smith received the revealed word of his calling and election in D&C 132:48-50 (thought to be sometime in 1831). However, it wasn't until September 28, 1843 that Joseph and Emma received, via ordinance, the fulness of the priesthood (Words of Joseph Smith, 338–84). Others had their calling and election long before the ordinances of the fulness of the gospel were completely restored to the church, many before the endowment was completely restored.

    With respect to "Friend" who originally posted their testimony: They are aware that an ordinance will someday be necessary to enjoy the "fulness of the priesthood." They are anxiously praying for, and awaiting in the due time of the Lord, the day that they will receive such an ordinance.

    First the spiritual...then, the physical.

    1. I love what you said here. And I want to add that just because Friend is still waiting for that physical ordinance, it doesn't diminish the reality of the divine manifestation that took place. I know this to be true.

  6. Thank you for posting your friend's experience. It gives me greater confidence in the process:) It really does happen for anyone who seeks the Lord.

  7. Thank you for the post.

    I have a few thoughts on the post and comments.

    When the Lord says something to someone, that is all that is really needed. Consider the 1 leper of the 10 who returned. Moses (and Jesus) commanded them to appear before the priest for the appropriate ritual of cleansing/confirmation. However, when the 1 leper returned and thanked/praised his Lord, Jesus indicated that such was sufficient and did not press him further to appear before the priest. It appears that the leper could have either gone to the Lord symbolically through the priest or gone directly to Him. Either was proper. Sometimes it is enough for the Lord to say something and it is done. His word suffices.

    In Jesus own case we see both paths. He went to a legal administrator to be baptized of water. However, then the Spirit Himself came down and baptized the Lord of the spirit. We don't see Him confirmed or commanded to receive the Holy Ghost, but surely He did as we see mentioned later in the NT where it is said that "This day have I begotten Thee". Another example are the Lamanites who were of a mind to kill Nephi and Lehi. However the Lord had other plans and actually baptized them of the Spirit. Isn't that odd? They likely were not even members of the church, having been baptized of water. Why in the world would the Lord do thus? But it was He later who testified that they were so baptized. Likely it is that they required some time and teaching to understand what had happened to them. And again no earthly ordinance was necessary for this to happen.

    This is so unlike how we view things today. I was in the military for a number of years and they had numerous regulations and procedures and even acronyms. You were not to veer outside of them. In the Church we have handbooks and even worldwide handbook training. To a large degree we mimic my experience in the military. And while the Lord does have commandments, sometimes He requires us to break His own commandments. The greatest good seems to be following His will, regardless of what rules that breaks and how backwards it may seem. And if He wishes to confer such a blessing on this Friend, and not do it through ordinance, and perhaps not even inform the earthly leaders of His kingdom, what business is it of ours to tell Him that He is wrong? Of course, this Friend could be mistaken of what happened. But again, this is between him and His Lord and I trust that there are evidences enough of its veracity.

    I admit that some of these thoughts did not originate with me, but they seem truthful enough. I hope they are worth considering

    Perfect Day: Nice to meet you last night.


  8. Perhaps it is because of the suggestions on this blog that I make my response. I have recently been listening to the 4 Gospels and am just finishing up on John. I can tell as I listen to these beautiful accounts, though very brief in their explanation, that I am yearning for a place next to my Savior like never before. I wonder if we get to a place in our journey that the yearning is nearly unbearable?
    I sit through church and love the message, I sing in the choir and feel it leave an indelible impression upon the very cell structure of my body, yet I know there is more. I read of others receiving this blessing and feel as if I cannot breathe for my desire to be completed. Is this also a part of the journey? Does it get to the point where the yearning and the pleading and the desire make you feel as if you will literally burst your body confines?

  9. Dear (Apr 9, 2012) Anonymous,

    Below is a response from the Blog Reader who Received their Calling and Election:

    What a beautiful testimony!

    My heart felt great joy when I read your words. It is still racing. I contacted the owner of this blog and said, "I wish I could just go find you [Anonymous] and give them a huge hug! But I will write instead."

    I know exactly how you feel! Cherish that feeling. Praise God for it! Nurture it. I know it sometimes seems like you may explode because of it. Guess what: in some do! In great ways. It has been my prayer that everyone could feel that burning desire to want be close to and to know our Savior. His compassion and charity toward us is overwhelming! You can't help but want it for everyone.

    Always strive to come unto Him. Never quit, no matter what. Seek and keep seeking, knock and keep knocking.

    It is important to remember to ALWAYS come unto Him. Even when it is hard. Remain available to be taught. The toughest lessons can be some of the best. Stand on your testimony of Him. You will learn to really depend on Him as you grow closer.

    As you continue on your journey, know that you are truly blessed, that He knows what is in your heart. Pray to have the Spirit with you always. Search His commandments -- they are keys to freedom. As you grow in the Spirit, you and your testimony of Him will be of great worth to others.

  10. Great post! I love to hear yet another person receiving his calling and election. I also enjoyed, I would say, I specially enjoyed the second part to this post. Hearing somebody receiving the Second Comforter brings me hope and increases my faith in the possibility that I might receive it also, whenever the Lord considers it appropriate, if He ever does, which I hope.

    Thank the Lord for the idea of being able to glorify Him. D&C 88:67 makes a lot more sense now: "And if your eye be single to my glory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light, and there shall be no darkness in you; and that body which is filled with light comprehendeth all things"

    I would love to hear more from you, the person who received his/her calling and election. Not about things revealed to you, but about the process of coming to receive the Second Comforter. It is the process in which I am interested in, not in revelations that are personal to each individual. Also your testimony about the Savior would be of great joy to my soul.

    Thank you!

  11. No second endowment or anything of any other temple ordinances are necessary for this great blessing. It is a blessing that can be preformed anywhere at any given time. In fact, you do not even need to be baptize to receive this great promise if it so be that your heart is already close enough to Christ's. Did Christ need to go through ordinances to receive the promise of Celestial glory? Nay.

    A person’s calling and election is made sure when Jesus Christ himself tells a person that they shall be exalted. After that a person with higher priesthood authority, I’m guessing a prophet, must give you a priesthood blessing by the laying of of hands. After the blessing, you will have living waters spring forth from within your heart. When these living waters spring forth, it is the same as tasting of the tree of life. And tasting of the tree of life and also the receiving of living waters is the same as coming to know with perfect knowledge the love of God. Knowing God in this way produces eternal life. I can witness to you that this thing is true. (Scriptures for study: Rev 7:13-17, 1 Nephi 11:25, Rev 22:14, D&C 63:23, John 7:37-39, John 4:10, D&C 132:20)

    I am prompted to share these things with the world in order to confound the wise and prudent. I know that I am a chosen daughter of God, chosen even before the foundations of the world to do great things for the building of His kingdom. I do not share these things to boast, but because I am prompted. I know that these things are true and I have known them to be true since I was 13 years old. I know that our Lord and savior himself is my witness. And if I am right to who the man who gave me the priesthood blessing was, then the Book of Revelation John is also my witness.

    I tell you that a second endowment can help prepare you to have your calling and election made sure, but it is not what binds the promise. You must hear the Lord speak it. And then there after you must receive a priesthood blessing. and then after the blessing, you must partake of the tree of life. If you have not received these things, your calling and election is not made sure.

  12. I am instructed to share this process with you for the benefit of those who can understand and because you have desired it … Calling and Election:

    1 Have faith in Jesus Christ Atonement sufficient that you will
    2. Repent sufficient so that you can be baptized by water (Note administered by men having authority) thereby joining the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, then you,
    3. Have faith in Jesus Christs Atonement sufficient that you will
    4. Repent sufficient that you are baptized by Fire and the Holy Ghost (see Enos and Alma the Younger’s template for repentance with real-intent) (Note administered by the God Holy Ghost)
    5 Congratulations you have now exited the Telestial world and are no longer judged by its laws and now have entered into the Terrestrial world and are subject to its laws gaining only an increase in light, and membership into the church of the Lamb with greater confidence in the voice of God (your conscience aka light of Christ D&C 84:45) you press forward, following more exactly this voice which sounds a lot like you but with the exception that you don’t usually tell yourself to do this kind of good and you become a most peculiar person until you have “endure to the end” at which point
    6 the Savior (not the prophet or any other man) will appear to you (you having crossed the veil) and anoint you himself sealing your calling and election upon you head with a command that you do not cast it not out because of unbelief,
    Congratulations you have received you calling and election and have joined the church of the Firstborn (Note administered by the God Jesus Christ)Temple saints should notice the pattern by now, you have left the Terrestrial world and are now subject to Celestial law (Now you are exalted NOT perfect that is what carries on into the next life not exaltation. For sisters that is it for the brethren you must continue on until you receive the fulness of the Priesthood which is administered by the God Father a new name is given you which is your authority, no longer will your blessings be random or powerless in their results what you say is now law in the universe.

    Unlike Satan, Father does not give babes sharpened axes to wield until they are able and been certified safe.

    It matters not one Iota to me that this is believed as the message is only for those who have already obtained there baptism of fire no one else will understand this. Once you have your baptism of fire you are guaranteed your calling and election if you remain faithful until the end (i.e. the Savior administers to you) this is obtained by grace and what it means.

    1. Poranginui Wrote:
      4. Repent sufficient that you are baptized by Fire and the Holy Ghost (see Enos and Alma the Younger’s template for repentance with real-intent) (Note administered by the God Holy Ghost)
      5 Congratulations you have now exited the Telestial world and are no longer judged by its laws and now have entered into the Terrestrial world and are subject to its laws gaining only an increase in light, and membership into the church of the Lamb ...
      So when someone receives baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost, he is then a member of the Church of the Lamb of God? How interesting! This explains the verse in 1 Nephi 14:

      10 And he said unto me: Behold there are save two churches only; the one is the church of the Lamb of God, and the other is the church of the devil; wherefore, whoso belongeth not to the church of the Lamb of God belongeth to that great church, which is the mother of abominations; and she is the whore of all the earth.
      1 Nephi 14:10

      I've assumed that the church of the Lamb of God and the church of the Firstborn were the same - so I believed that the two churches would be those who had there Calling and Election; and then the church of the devil. But it makes more sense that the church of the Lamb are those who have received baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost.
      Most LDS believe that the church of the Lamb is the whole LDS church but it's not.
      But where do you learn that the church of the Lamb of God is made up of those who have received the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost?

  13. Thank you for such great posts!
    I am a bit confused with these 2 statements as they would seem to contradict each other.
    If you could help clarify this some more, I would be very grateful.
    Here are the following quotes taken from your post above:
    "This quote makes no mention (that I can see) of needing an ordinance in order to have one's calling and election made sure. In fact, it explicitly states that it will be the Lord -- not a mortal -- who will tell a person "thou shalt be exalted." Or, "they receive the more sure word of prophecy, which means that the Lord seals their exaltation upon them while they are yet in this life." (Bruce R. McConkie, "Mormon Doctrine." 2nd ed. Salt Lake City, UT: Bookcraft, p. 109–10).

    (Here I am undestanding that NO physical ordinance is needed as personnel revelation from the Lord is all that is needed to receive the guarantee of eternal life and exaltation)

    and the following below:
    "However, while personal revelation is certainly part of it, it is not the whole. Even those who have received their calling and election by personal revelation must at some time receive a [physical] ordinance by one with proper earthly and heavenly authority. Only when he/she has received an actual ordinance (known as the Second Anointing) will those blessings be realized to their fulness".

    Here it seems like you are suggesting that BOTH are needed to receive the promise of C&E, a PHYSICAL ordinance as well as PERSONNEL REVELATION.
    When you mention physical ordinance are you maybe referring to receiving Christ as Second Comforter which would be a more "sure sign"?

    Thank you!

  14. Truthseeker,

    Actually, the "physical ordinance" (which is a fulfillment of all we are promised in the endowment) is known as the Second Anointing. For more about the Second Anointing, you might want to check out this page:

    The Second Comforter is not an ordinance; it is a "personal revelation", a physical appearance of Jesus Christ to a mortal. As the Prophet Joseph Smith stated,

    "After a person has faith in Christ, repents of his sins, and is baptized for the remission of his sins and receives the Holy Ghost, (by the laying on of hands), which is the first Comforter, then let him continue to humble himself before God, hungering and thirsting after righteousness, and living by every word of God, and the Lord will soon say unto him, Son, thou shalt be exalted. When the Lord has thoroughly proved him, and finds that the man is determined to serve Him at all hazards, then the man will find his calling and his election made sure, then it will be his privilege to receive the other Comforter, which the Lord hath promised the Saints, as is recorded in the testimony of St. John, in the 14th chapter, from the 12th to the 27th verses." (TPJS, p. 150).

    Note that according to Brother Joseph, the Lord's saying "thou shalt be exalted" is a different event than the Second Comforter, and that both are different than the Second Anointing. Studying these three different doctrines in greater depth will reveal even more distinctions.

    1. Anonymouse posted: "However, while personal revelation is certainly part of it, it is not the whole. Even those who have received their calling and election by personal revelation MUST at some time receive a [physical] ordinance by one with proper earthly and heavenly authority. Only when he/she has received an actual ordinance (known as the Second Anointing) will those blessings be realized to their fulnes".

      Is this correct that a PHYSICAL ORDINANCE (Second Annointing) is needed IN ADDITION to PERSONNEL REVELATION in order for one's calling and election be made sure?
      I was under the impression that a spiritual witness was all that was needed for Calling & Election, no?

  15. Those who have had their C&E declared still require a Second Anointing at some point, in which a couple has been officially anointed a King/Priest and Queen/Priestess (this is necessary because there are no singles in exalted status).

    Those who have had their Second Anointing still require the Holy Spirit of Promise (similar to the one Bro. Joseph mentioned above) to ratify the ordinance.

    And thus, both heaven and earth, mortality and immortality, are unanimous in their acclamation of the individual's exalted status.

  16. These events are the evidences that we have become truly converted to Jesus Christ. They can happen in any oreder the Lord chooses. These can be years or even decades in happening.

    Baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost (This cleanses us of all sin and we no longer desire to sin at all.)
    Born Again (No longer struggling to overcome the natural man. Spiritually begotten sons and daughters unto Christ. Mosiah 27:25,26) Without this we cannot gain eternal life.
    Fulness of the Priesthood By God’s own voice (Helaman 10 D&C 50:26-30 JST Gen:14:28-31)
    Personally know Christ face to face (D&C 93:1)
    Sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise (The Father tells you that you are going to be exalted)
    Calling and election made sure
    Sanctification (and by the blood (of Christ) ye are sanctified) Truly becoming a saint.
    Church of the Firstborn (Lds members who are prepared for exaltation and those who are already exalted are members of this church)
    Possible translation
    Ken H

  17. I don't know about sharing this - I normally don't share things like this.

    I am grateful to learn from those of you that have shared truth. I particularly appreciate the things that motivate and inspire me in my journey.

    While I am normally very focused on the steps of things or the process or the logistics, I've found much more progress in my journey as I've focused on what to do next. About 4 years ago, I went from a academic learner and follower of the gospel to being truly converted. I prayed specifically (using my agency) to invite the Lord to partner with me in having my Calling and Election made sure. Experience is so different than an academic understanding of something that really, they aren't the same type of understanding.

    In the past 4 years, I've been taught and changed in ways I couldn't imagine. And they are not all just religious and spiritual. I went through a 2 year period of learning how to have and accept emotions. I had to be willing to sacrifice everything - literally EVERYTHING. I learned that callings in the church aren't a prerequisite to exaltation in the slightest. I can't even list all of the things that I've learned or how the Lord has changed me.

    I had the real and hard conversations with my Father in Heaven. I felt forgotten at times. I felt remembered and cared for at times. I was angry at him, I was embarrassed and I felt loved and inspired. It was a strange time for me that I've only shared with a few people.

    Then I got the inspiration to study from the scriptures for an hour a day and journal what I was learning. It took me about 4 months to get to the point where I could do that on a daily basis. Normally things like this came natural to me. But not in the state that I was in.

    For the first time in my life, studying the gospel and writing in my journal was like eating dry oatmeal. I knew it was good for me but it was awful to chew and swallow. The first 30 to 45 minutes were just hard and painful every day. But after 45 minutes, I'd start feeling the flow of revelation, and by the end of my hour of study, I didn't want to stop. I'd then be able to be productive and happy for the day and then I'd have to start the next day all over. I couldn't miss a single day. It was my manna. And it was incredibly hard work.

    Now, 2 months after being able to study the gospel for an hour each day, I am alive in my journey. I'm being tutored by the Lord on doctrines and I'm receiving revelation nearly daily. I believe much of what I've experienced in the last 4 years have been specifically part of my journey to having my Calling and Election made sure.

    At this point, I think that the process for me has been this:

    1. Understand the gospel and follow what I understood I needed to do. This included baptism, mission, marriage in the temple, reading scriptures, etc.
    2. Choose to become Converted with the Lord's help. Exercise BOTH my faith and agency to specifically ask the Lord to partner with me (not an equal partnership, mind you) in my journey to have my Calling and Election to be made sure. The Lord waited for me to initiate that step.
    3. Cling to light and truth. Follow the Holy Spirit, learn to trust the Lord in everything you do, put in effort and work to get light and truth and then LIVE IT.

    To me, the logistics of how the Calling and Election being made sure aren't that important (though I've studied that quite a bit). Knowing that hasn't helped me that much. Actively using my agency to do the will of the Lord has been the game changer for me.


  18. I appreciate the original post and the comments. I am reading the book "Following the Light of Christ into His presence"(John Pontius) - which is the most amazing and detailed book on how to receive personal revelation and then your Calling and Election made sure. Also - there are countless talks and speeches from Bruce R. McConkie on C&E. I'm listening to the mp3 recording of one of his talks right now. I have always hungered and felt there is more...and there IS more! For all Saints who repent, give their will to the Lord, LISTEN to and OBEY flawlessly to the voice of the spirit and then added upon more and more to eventually be one of the very fortunate to have this divine ordinance. So very blessed indeed!!

    Here are some of the incredible links to this subject:
    (mp3 download):

  19. I have searched for others who teach truth like what I found here today. I will be coming back.

    In my experience it only takes hearing Yeshua say, "I have prepared a place for you in the house of my Father."

    I also know the Fathers' love for us all, and I about broke out in laughter at the expression above about "exploding" because that's how I explain it.

    It's impossible to know if you don't 'know' but everyone CAN know for themselves. I love hearing people share it because it lifts my very spirit hearing it.

    Awesome post,... AWESOME!

  20. Anonymous said, "In my experience it only takes hearing Yeshua say, "I have prepared a place for you in the house of my Father."

