
Sunday, October 30, 2016

Lectures on Faith 4, Part 1: Experience the God Who Far Exceeds Expectations!

The Parable of the 2005 Impala

(Quite possibly the only Impala parable you'll read in mortality)

In 2011, my friend, Rick, was driving his maroon, 2005 Impala car. At the time, it had around 160,000 miles on the odometer. Unexpectedly, the car died outside a small city. He spent the night there, and the next morning, the car was examined by two auto mechanics. Both confirmed the sad news: the car needed a new transmission. He hardly had any money, and certainly not enough to fix the car. Later, when he was alone with the car, Rick said a prayer: "Father, you know I don't have the money to get this car fixed. You're literally the only person who can make it work. Please, Father, make this car run." Rick was prompted to turn the car's key in the ignition. It started. It was driveable. In fact, so much so, that Rick's put an additional 40,000 miles on the Impala since then. That's right -- on a transmission which two auto mechanics had declared dead, 5 years and 40,000 miles ago.

The Parable of the DNA Test

A close family member, Molly, was adopted by a good family 46 years ago. Although she always knew she was adopted, and loved her family very much, she wondered about her birth father and birth mother. About eight weeks ago, she sent in a vial of saliva to Ancestry DNA. Three weeks ago, she got the results back, which gave her some partial pedigree charts of her birth parents. A few days later, after considerable research and deductive work, she contacted a woman she strongly identified her birth father's sister. The woman didn't understand Molly's explanation for her call, and said Molly shouldn't count on having her number forwarded to the man she believed was her birth father. Within 24 hours, he called her. Within a week, she also spoke with her birth mother, whom she just met two days ago. Molly has a terrific, growing relationship with both birth parents' extended families, and her adoptive parents have been kept fully informed and are happy for Molly.

(We'll examine the significance of these stories later in this post)

For The Love of God

The most transcendent thing anyone has ever done for you was accomplished by Jesus Christ. His infinite atoning sacrifice, the ransom -- for you (and the rest of humanity) -- took Him to the greatest depths anyone has or ever will experience. He did this knowing full well that many, if not most, people would never take advantage of His sacrifice. There were no conditions, no "I'll do it if XX% of people will repent", no "If people will do XYZ, then I'll go through with the atonement." Nope, not even close.
"For behold, I, God, have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent" (D&C 19:16)
He did it because He loves you. And no matter how often you neglect His atonement, no matter how often and how deeply you neglect Him, will never hide, erase or negate the fact that He accomplished the atonement.
"It [divine love] is infinite because the Atonement was an act of love for all who ever lived, who now live, and who will ever live. It is also infinite because it transcends time." (Elder Russell M. Nelson, "Divine Love", Ensign, Feb. 2003).
That supreme act of divine love has no conditions. It's offered freely to all -- saint and sinner, repentant and unrepentant alike. In fact, if God didn't love the wicked, He would never send true prophets to warn us that we will be destroyed for our wickedness if we don’t repent.
"Divine love is infinite and universal. The Savior loves both saints and sinners." (ibid)
"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)
That's why Christ taught love, without any conditions, requirements or caveats, during His mortal ministry. He said,
"By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." (John 13:35)
"Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you" (Matt. 5:44)
Although the phrase "unconditional love" isn't found in the scriptures, His disciples have clearly used it in teaching about God's love for you:
"In moments of quiet, we reflect upon His matchless life and His unconditional love for each of us." (President Gordon B. Hinckley, LDS Church News, Dec. 11, 1993, p. 4).
"Faith [in the Lord’s will] turns us toward the Savior, his life, and his unconditional love for us." (Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin, "Finding Peace in Our Lives", Deseret Book, 1995, p. 177).
"His grasp is galactic, yet he noticed the widow casting in her mite. I am stunned at his perfect, unconditional love of all. Indeed, 'I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me.'" (Elder Neal A. Maxwell, "Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King," Ensign, May 1976, p. 26)
"That we may share His eternal, unconditional love with our brothers and sisters everywhere, is my humble prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, amen." (Elder Robert D. Hales, October 2008 General Conference)
"[God] demonstrated to us that His love was unconditional and sufficient to encircle every person." (Elder Marvin J. Ashton, April 1981 General Conference)
Christ's unconditional love for you has even been included in our Family Home Evening manuals. Indeed, as parents, are we taught that we must love our children conditionally? That we should tell our children that we won’t love them (or we won’t love them in love’s highest form) if they disobey us (or gospel principles)?
"Remind your family that Jesus' love is unconditional. That means he loves us no matter what we do and say. Explain to your family that if they are to truly love one another as Jesus commanded them, they need to love each other in this same way. Have family members define what is meant by unconditional love. They may wish to give examples, such as "I will go on loving you even if you do things I don't like," or "I will love you whether you love me or not." Discuss the examples given, and help them to refine and clarify their definition of unconditional love.
Have a scripture search for examples of unconditional love. As you find scriptural examples, draw parallels for your own family so that family members can see how divine unconditional love can be applied in their own lives. Emphasize that this doctrine is not vain and idealistic, that we can learn to love our enemies and have compassion and charity for all if we will exercise our faith in Jesus Christ and apply his teachings." (Family Home Evening Resource Book, Family Home Evening Lessons, 17: Love at Home, p. 74)
Thus, we, too, should have unconditional love for others, just as the Savior has for us:
"To love completely with a wholeness even as Christ loved, to manifest a mature and unconditional love in all human relations, would minimize many fears." (First Presidency Message: With an Eye Single to His Glory, Ensign, Dec. 1971)
"We cannot, my dear brethren, condition our love by a beard or beads or habits or strange viewpoints. There have to be standards and they must be enforced, but our love must be unconditional." (Elder Marion D. Hanks, "Love Unconditional," Ensign, Dec. 1971, p. 104)
Even science has validated the overwhelming benefits of unconditional love. Professor Mario Beauregard, of Montreal University’s Center for Research into Neurophysiology and Cognition, led a study about the effects of love on the brain. He said, "The rewarding nature of unconditional love facilitates the creation of strong emotional links. Such robust bonds may critically contribute to the survival of the human species” ("The Greatest Love of All,", Apr. 2009).

"How Deep Is Your Love"

But God's love doesn't start and end there. Nope. It's just the beginning.

God invites you to share in a deeper, more fulfilling love with Him. On His end, He manifests it in different ways: closeness, clearer dialogue, trust, unity and blessings. On our end, we manifest our desire for this deeper love by obeying "every word that proceedeth forth from the mouth of God" (D&C 84:44). Some might categorize this as "conditional love".
"many verses [of scripture] affirm that the higher levels of love the Father and the Son feel for each of us — and certain divine blessings stemming from that love — are conditional." (Elder Russell M. Nelson, "Divine Love", Ensign, Feb. 2003).
This deeper love is articulated in Lehi and Nephi's vision of the Tree of Life, where they saw "other multitudes pressing forward" "continually holding fast to" "the rod of iron", which "was the word of God". They did this "until they came forth and fell down and partook of the fruit of the tree", in which the tree "was a representation of the love of God" (1 Nephi 8:30, 11:25).

A second example: In the parable of the prodigal son, the father still welcomed back and loved the prodigal son. But the other son, who was faithful and obedient, inherited all that is father had.

Finally, a third example: If your teenage son gets caught drinking and driving, that doesn't negate the fact that you love him as one of your children; that doesn't cease. However, the son likely forfeits experiencing deeper expressions of love (like trust) from you because of his choices.

As you obey "every word that proceedeth forth from the mouth of God", you are establishing and solidifying a loving relationship with God, which (naturally) requires reciprocity. As we do this, we "abide" in His love.
"If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love." (John 15:10)
"If you keep not my commandments, the love of the Father shall not continue with you, therefore you shall walk in darkness." (D&C 95:12; emphasis mine)
"Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him." (John 14:23)
Unfortunately, some believe that this deeper love of the Father and the Son is offered regardless of personal behavior. Here's how Nehor put it:
"And he [Nehor] also testified unto the people that all mankind should be saved at the last day, and that they need not fear nor tremble, but that they might lift up their heads and rejoice; for the Lord had created all men, and had also redeemed all men; and, in the end, all men should have eternal life." (Alma 1:4)
"Some seem to value God’s love because of their hope that His love is so great and so unconditional that it will mercifully excuse them from obeying His laws. The love of God does not supersede His laws and His commandments, and the effect of God’s laws and commandments does not diminish the purpose and effect of His love." (Elder Dallin H. Oakes, "Love and Law", October 2009 General Conference)
Knowing that God has unconditional love for you is no excuse to justify sin. Because God does not love evil unconditionally, mercy cannot and will not rob justice (Alma 42:25). Just because mom and dad love you doesn't mean they're eagerly giving you the car keys back after disobeying the rules.

So, in the final analysis, God loves all His children. He always feels compassion and concern even for the vilest, most unrepentant sinner. However, it's you who decides to abide in God's love or not, and to have a loving, ever-increasing relationship with Him.

And nowhere is your selfish refusal to abide in God's love more pronounced than your denial of a gift He's offered you, and your disbelief in a promise He's made to you. Repeatedly.

How's that "I can solve this problem myself" thing working out for you? 

As you read this, you -- or someone you love -- is hoping and praying for relief from grief, loneliness, fear, anxiety, abuse, neglect, helplessness or hopelessness.

So we wait and wait for God to make it all better. And when that resolution never comes, or at least not as quickly or thoroughly as we'd like, we begin to wonder how long God's going to take. Still no resolution? Then we decide to put on our big girl or big boy underpants and say, "I can do it myself!" Not being wanted, and being a perfect gentleman, God steps back. As things get harder and tougher, your reciprocal relationship with Him becomes strained, and indeed, you're left to solve the problem yourself. It seems to me that more often than not, such scenarios seldom have the happiest ending possible.

Or maybe we feel we don't want to burden the Lord; He's already done more than enough for us. Perhaps we just don't have faith in Him to begin with.

It's no wonder so many feel God is distant in their lives. But truth be told, it's more than likely not God's fault. It's ours.

This is why God, and His prophets, have repeatedly told us that we live far below our expectations. Because we refuse to let Christ far exceed our expectations.
"There is no doubt, if a person lives according to the revelations given to God's people, he may have the Spirit of God to signify to him His will, and to guide him and direct him in the discharge of his duties, in his temporal as well as his spiritual exercises. I am satisfied however, that in this respect, we live far beneath our privileges" (Discourses of Brigham Young, p. 75).
"The gift of the Holy Ghost truly is one of the greatest blessings available to members of the Church. Actually, many gifts can come from the Holy Ghost. These are needed in every age and dispensation but certainly no less in the commotion-filled last days of the last dispensation. They are likewise needed at every stage and in every situation of life. ... Yet, for different reasons, many of us live far below, or are unaware of, our privileges!" (Neal A. Maxwell, The Promise of Discipleship, pp. 92-93).
"The overall gift of the Holy Ghost truly is one of the greatest blessings available to members of the Church. We all need to stress -- for ourselves and for those whom we teach -- the vital connection with the gifts of the Holy Ghost. These gifts are vital at every stage of an individual's life and in every situation of life. Members of the Church have received the gift of the Holy Ghost, but in many it lies dormant -- somewhat like the ancients who had received the gift but knew it not (see 3 Ne. 9:20)." (Neal A. Maxwell, "The Holy Ghost: Glorifying Christ," Ensign, July 2002, p. 56).
This spiritual box we place around ourselves is taller, wider and stronger than any of the boxes mentioned in my previous post. Despite being very comfortable in this box, it's no cakewalk. In fact, it's horrible inside of it. And the longer you stay inside of it, the greater the chances your relationship with God deteriorates. And in the process, other things -- like other relationships, your sanity, your happiness, your health and maybe even your life -- may also deteriorate.

The Savior clearly understood our proclivity to want to do things ourselves, and to entomb ourselves in these self-made boxes. So, all throughout history, He's [1] promised that He solves our problems better than we can, [2] told us how to cast our burdens upon Him and [3] showed us what happens we do.

1. Get relief from the storms of life.

Throughout the Old Testament and New Testament, the Lord has repeatedly said to one and all, "As long as we all must bear some burden and shoulder some yoke, why not let it be mine? My promise to you is..."
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." (Matthew 11:28-30)
"I will not leave you comfortless" (John 14:18)
"Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved." (Psalms 55:22)
"For thou hast been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat, when the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall." (Isaiah 25:4)
Some might hesitate taking Christ up on this offer, perhaps believing that they can handle things just fine thankyouverymuch. Or they don't want to add to His burdens. Or that they've already burdened Christ enough. Yet as far as I can tell, He didn't place any conditions, limitations or boundaries on His invitation. It's open-ended, unconditional and freely available to all. To deny His gracious offer is to deny a gift He paid a heavy price to obtain.

Accepting this gracious gift doesn't mean your life will be burden-free; that's unrealistic. What it does mean is that (1) He'll resolve your burdens better than you can, and (2) through Him, your ability to withstand the burdens of life will be enhanced.

How? Quite likely through means unknown to you (either through divine intervention, the assistance of others, or both), giving you "strength beyond [our] own" ("Lord, I Would Follow Thee," Hymns, no. 220). After all, He says "my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts" (Isaiah 55:9).

Taking Him up on His offer/promise reaches out into the darkness and counts on His holding His hand out to you. It's a superlative act of faith and trust in Him, which God can -- and will -- reward.

So now, I'd like to invite you to take a quick inventory of your life:
  • What burdens are you're facing? Which could be cast upon the Lord?
  • What burdens are others facing? Could you encourage them to cast those burdens upon the Lord?
  • I mean, what do you have to lose?

2. Put God to the test.

Admittedly, it takes real courage to give your burdens to God. We naturally want to solve problems ourselves, and solve them now.

Fortunately, God has buttressed his request with an encouraging point: You don't need to start with huge, gargantuan problems. He's perfectly content with our casting our little problems to Him. In other words, put Him to the test (see Alma 32:26-43).
"Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." (1 Thessalonians 5:21)
Or, as Amulek put it, "try the experiment of its [the word's] goodness." (Alma 34:4)

As mortals, we've learned through sad experience that it's irrational, harmful and even physically and spiritually deadly to put our trust in another. Yet because God is Omniscient (LofF 4:5), Omnipotent (LofF 4:6), Just (LofF 4:7), Judgmental (LofF 4:8), Merciful (LofF 4:9) and True (LofF 4:10), He's more than deserving of your unqualified trust.
"By a little reflection it will be seen, that the idea of the existence of these attributes in the Deity, is necessary to enable any rational being to exercise faith in him. For without the idea of the existence of these attributes in the Deity, men could not exercise faith in him for life and salvation; seeing that without the knowledge of all things, God would not be able to save any portion of his creatures; for it is by reason of the knowledge which he has of all things, from the beginning to the end, that enables him to give that understanding to his creatures, by which they are made partakers of eternal life; and if it were not for the idea existing in the minds of men, that God had all knowledge, it would be impossible for them to exercise faith in him." (LofF 4:11).
Not only do His attributes engender trust in Him, but His eagerness, enthusiasm and liberality in granting you greater wisdom practically begs you to put Him to the test:
"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him." (James 1:5)
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil. It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones." (Proverbs 3:5-8)
3. Watch what happens when you give it all to God.
"But what does trust mean? It does not mean carelessness or indifference. Just to let things go and say, 'Oh, I guess it will come out all right,' is not trusting. Just drifting heedlessly with the tide is not trust. Neglect is not trust. Trust is something positive. It is a real something, not a mere happen-so or maybe-so. It is a definite attitude of soul and mind, a realization of our own need and of God's sufficiency. It is the reaching out and anchoring of ourselves in God. 
The soul who really trusts is not driven about by every wind. The waves beat against him as they beat against the anchored ship, but they can not dash him upon the rocks; for he who trusts in God is strong, because he has the strength of God. 
Trust does not mean shutting our eyes to facts. There is no such thing as 'blind faith.' Trust looks at things as they are. It sees the dangers that threaten, and assesses them at their true value. It sees the need, and does not try to disguise it. It sees the difficulties, and does not discount them. But seeing all this, it looks beyond and sees God, its all-sufficient help. It sees him greater than the needs or the dangers or the difficulties, and it does not shrink before them. 
There is no fear in trust: the two are opposites. When we really fear, we are not fully trusting. When we trust, fear gives way to assurance. Fear is tormenting. How many there are who are constantly agitated by fear! They fear the devil, trials, temptations, the wind, lightning, burglars, and a thousand other things. Their days are haunted by fear of this thing or that. Their peace is marred and their hearts are troubled. For all this, trust is the cure. I do not mean to say that if you trust, nothing will ever startle you or frighten you, or that you will never feel physical fear in time of danger; but in such times trust will bring to us a consciousness that the Lord knows and cares, and that his helping presence is with us. 
When John Wesley was crossing the Atlantic from England to America to become a missionary to the Indians, the ship on which he was sailing encountered a terrible storm. It seemed that those on board would be lost. Many were much alarmed and were in deep distress. Wesley himself was one of this number. In the midst of the storm his attention was attracted to some Moravians who sat calm and undisturbed by the dangers about them. Wesley greatly wondered at their untroubled appearance. He inquired why it was. Their reply was that they were trusting in the Lord and that they had in their souls the consciousness of his protecting presence and care. They felt no fear because there was nothing threatening that a Christian had need to fear. Mr. Wesley did not have such an experience, but what he learned from those simple-hearted people caused him to seek a similar experience. 
There is no worry in trust. When we worry about anything, we have not committed it to God. Trust takes away the anxiety. So many people use up a large portion of their energy in worry. There is always something troubling them. Their days and nights are full of anxiety. Worrying becomes a fixed habit with them. Peace and calmness and assurance find but little room in their lives. The cure for all this is trust. Trust brings confidence. Trust whispers to our souls that there is no cause to worry. It tells us that God holds the helm of our vessel. It bids us to be of good courage, assuring us that God is our refuge and strength, that our lives and all are in his hands, and that he will work out for us the things that are best. 
In trust there is peace, the peace of God which passeth understanding. There is calm in the soul of him who trusts. There is no doubt in trust, for doubt is swallowed up in assurance, and assurance brings calmness and peace. 
It is safe to trust in the Lord. Isaiah says, 'I will trust and not be afraid' (Isa.12: 2). That is the way God wants us to trust. He would have us be confident in him. But sometimes we get to looking at circumstances, and they loom up so threateningly before us that in spite of ourselves we tremble and shrink before them. We believe that God will take care of us and help us, but we can not quiet our fears. Our feelings are very much as they are when we stand just outside the bars of the cage of a ferocious wild beast. We know it can not reach us; we know we are safe from those powerful teeth and claws; but still we can not help having a feeling that we should not have were we somewhere else. When he comes to our side of the cage, we shrink involuntarily, but still we trust the iron bars and do not run away. 
The Psalmist tells us what to do when we have such fears. 'What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee' (Psalms 56:3). Still keep trusting. God will not chide you for the fears you can not help, but only for those that come from unbelief. Trust in God. It is the safest thing you have ever done; and he will never fail you." (Charles Wesley Naylor, "Heart Talks",

Put it all together, and you see a God who far exceeds expectations

Years ago, I learned something that has forever imprinted itself on my soul. I believe it's the Lord's favorite characteristic.

I call it "Far Exceeding Expectations." God gets an absolute thrill, and is truly overjoyed, to have opportunities to demonstrate how eager and willing and anxious He is to far exceed our puny, mortal expectations.

These scriptures put it into context:
"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen." (Ephesians 3:20-21)
"I have also given you what you have not asked, both riches and honor, so that there will not be any among the kings like you all your days." (1 Kings 3:13)
"And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things, at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work." (2 Corinthians 9:8)
Make a broken Impala transmission run for an extra 40,000 miles over five years? Ha! Piece of cake.

Reunite a woman with her birth father and birth mother within two weeks, with the relationships far exceeding her own expectations, after 46 years of waiting and wondering? No problem.

I look at history, and see how He turned "but a lad" who was "slow of speech" and hated by "all the people" (Moses 6:31) into a man who made people and even the earth tremble at his words, who made the mountains flee, could change the course of rivers and, in summary, made "all nations" fear him (Moses 7:13).

I think of the Brother of Jared, who climbed Mount Shelem and moltened out of a rock sixteen small stones, carried them to the top of the mount, and expected the Lord to light them. Not only did that happen, but through his exceeding faith ("for never has man believed in me as thou hast"), he also was brought into the presence of the Lord, and was ministered by Him (Ether 3)

I think of a man with a barren wife, who -- because of his faith -- became the Father of Nations, with his ancestry multiplied as the stars of heaven (Exodus 32:13).

I think of Rahab, a prostitute, who -- risking her life -- saved two spies who had been sent by Joshua to gauge the defences of Jericho (Joshua 2:1-7). When Joshua attacked Jericho and the walls came tumbling down, Rahab and her family were saved (Joshua 6:12-25). But that's not the end of her story. It is said that Rahab ended up marrying Salmon, and through their union sprang David, Solomon and ultimately, Jesus Christ. Thus poor, muddy, defiled Rahab became a fountainhead of the River of the Water of Life which flows out of the throne of God.

I think of a simple fisherman who straightway forsook his nets, and followed Christ...and the millions, perhaps billions, who were forever influenced by his steadfast love for the Savior (Mark 1:18).

I think of Jairus and his wife, who asked the Lord to heal their terminally-ill daughter. More than a granting a cure, Jesus restored the young girl’s life (Mark 5:35-42).

I think of a man, lame from birth, laying every day next to the temple gate, begging for whatever he could get. Then one day, he asked for help as Peter and John passed by him. The man expected a few coins. Instead, Peter blessed him with sound legs and ankles through the healing power of Jesus Christ (Acts 3:2-11).

I think of a simple teenager who went out into a grove not far from his home to ask God which church he should join...and how the world's history changed with just that single prayer.

All these instances -- and many more which I didn't mention -- started with someone making an outrageous request. In response, God reciprocated by pronouncing an unexpectedly huge blessing.

Take some time to imagine what God's intervention into your situation could result in.

Then take time to ask Him for it.

Rest in the truth that God's power exceeds your expectations.

Brand New

This is the Jesus I know.

A God who sees above our spiritual despair and decay, and bids us to follow Him. To cast our burdens upon Him. To let Him transform us into a totally brand new being in a way, and to an extent, we didn't even realize was possible.

Throughout history, He has delighted in lifting those with absolutely no skills, no hope, no significance and no vision into the brightest lights in the history of our world.

Yes, none of us are worthy. None of us are righteous. We all say and do stupid things which divert us from Him. But in classic Jesus fashion, He's quick to say, "Yeah, but I already took care of those things. Let's look and move forward. Together!"

He longs for your request to have Him clear the barnacles of stupidity and sin off of you, and elevate you to new, and even greater, spiritual heights. He who is the author of resurrection longs to resurrect your heart and soul everyday, so they can burst forth from your self-built telestial caves, without obstruction and with unparalleled luminosity and life.

I've seen dreams that move the mountains
Hope that doesn't ever end
Even when the sky is falling
I've seen miracles just happen
Silent prayers get answered
Broken hearts become brand new
That's what faith can do.

It doesn't matter what you've heard
Impossible is not a word
It's just a reason for someone not to try
Everybody's scared to death
When they decide to take that step
Out on the water
It'll be alright
Life is so much more
Than what your eyes are seeing
You will find your way
If you keep believing...

...believing in He who absolutely delights in frequently demonstrating His favorite characteristic:

The God Who Far Exceeds Expectations.

(What about you? What are some examples in your life, or the life of another, which clearly demonstrate God's love of exceeding our expectations?)

1 comment:

  1. I love the John Wesley story. It begs the question, when do we just sit back and trust and when do we move ahead working and putting in our own effort? Yes the monks sat there on the deck trusting, but what about all the deck hands and captain that were working keeping the boat afloat? It seem that some things are out of our reach, however, there is a strong desire to move ahead and act at least on something? When do we just sit and trust like the Monks and when do we work like the deckhands?
