
Sunday, December 31, 2017

MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT: The Perfect Day Facebook Group

When You Don't Feel the Spirit

I've received six emails in the last four days where the sender essentially asked me the following:
"I have a tough time feeling or hearing the Spirit. What recommendations do you have that might help me?"
First, it's important to know that I'm no spiritual guru or mentor. Never have been, never will be. In my steadfast opinion, you should have only one mentor, and He has nailprints.

Second, when I ask them what the Lord has said, the response is pretty consistent: The Lord has said nothing. That's incredible to me because I'm convinced the Lord wants us to enjoy as much of the Spirit as possible, as often as possible.

So, I start wondering, "Is there are chance, a possibility, that we're asking the wrong question here?"

Ask the Question that Elicits an Automatic, Consistent Answer from the Lord

Do you love the Lord?

"Of course, Mr. Perfect Day" you say?

Terrific. If that's the case, let's see what the Lord would say if He asked you the same exact question.

The last chapter of John tells of an especially tender exchange between Peter and the resurrected Christ. Three times, the Lord asked Peter if he loved Him. The answer was immediate and consistent: Of course I do! You know I do! The Lord's response was equally immediate and consistent (three times!): "feed my sheep" or "feed my lambs" (John 21:15-17)

In 1837, it seems that Quorum of the 12 President Thomas B. Marsh had a similar question. The Lord's answer hasn't changed: "feed my sheep" (D&C 112:14).
"When thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren." (Luke 22:32)
But was the Savior just talking to the Apostles? No.
"He was also talking to every person who has been blessed to hear the gospel and is a member of His Church. In revelation to the Prophet Joseph Smith, the Lord puts it in very simple terms: 'It becometh every man who hath been warned to warn his neighbor' (D&C 88:81)" (Elder M. Russell Ballard, "The Essential Role of Member Missionary Work", April 2003 General Conference).
And as Elder Robert D. Hales stated in 2012,
"This is the call of Christ to every Christian today: 'Feed my lambs...Feed my sheep' —- share my gospel with young and old, lifting, blessing, comforting, encouraging, and building them, especially those who think and believe differently than we do." ("Being a More Christian Christian", 2012 General Conference) 
Imagine the paradigm shift, where we go from asking about how WE can feel the Spirit to how we can help OTHERS to feel the Spirit!

No matter if it's in the valleys of Judea or modern-day Babylon, the Lord's answer to "What do I need to do?" appears pretty consistent to me. Feed others spiritual "living water" (John 4:10–14) and spiritual "bread of life" (John 6:48).

In so doing, I have no doubt that as others feel and hear the Spirit, you will, too.

"I sought my God
My God I could not see.
I sought my soul,
my soul eluded me. 
I sought my brother
and I found all three."
-- Ancient Celtic prayer of hospitality

Here's a New, Easy Way to Feed His Sheep...At Home, In Your Pajamas!

Effective today, LDS Perfect Day has a Facebook group (click here).

Click here to join it today!

So now, if you have time to hop online (which you do), to email someone (which you do) or interact online (which you do), you have the opportunity to feed other sheep, and to be fed as well.

Imagine interacting with others who are themselves passionate about growing closer to the Lord.

Imagine learning from others about hearing and feeling the Spirit, pursuing and exercising spiritual gifts, mighty prayer, calling and election, faith that moves mountains and parts veils, Zion and more.

Imagine asking the Lord for experiences which will feed you -- and other -- sheep, no matter if they're on the Facebook group or not. Don't you think He'll jump at the chance?

I invite you today to join this new, exciting Facebook group.

It's a place where you'll find others who have the same desires and wishes you do, maybe in your same area.

It's a place where you'll find opportunities to share to the Lord's sheep, and to be fed by others who share as well.

It's a place where -- hopefully -- you'll find answers to your questions about how to grow closer to, and enjoy a greater relationship with, the Lord.


  1. I'm interested in joining but I'm not on facebook. Could you make it an online forum instead?

    1. Nope. Sorry.

    2. anonymous - you could do what my husband did...he joined FB - no profile pic, no info, no friends - just to be in this group. He loves it. He isn't even my friend on FB so no one can find him LOL. The group has been amazing so far!

    3. Certainly one could do that, and I'd have zero problem with that, as long as they clearly understand and abide by the Facebook group's Terms and Conditions.

  2. Thank you for sharing. I look forward to reading your blog and being in this Facebook group. I’m sure you will enjoy my blog as well as I share some of my dreams and visions and lessons the Lord is teaching me. ❤️❤️😁🙏🏼 Reading on a smartphone device you can view by topic.

    This post is about a our nightly heavenly visitor.
